Progressive Health Project

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Be Well reminder for July 3rd

Progressive Health of Delaware's monthly Be Well program meets Tuesday, July 3, 2018.

Dr. Donohue and Karen Smith invite you to join them from 6:00-7:30 pm this Tuesday at the First Unitarian Church of Wilmington (730 Halstead Rd.) for an interactive and dynamic class. 

They will touch on these new topics:

Healthy Barbecue recipes and tastings by Karen

The Starch Solution

Go plant-based and achieve 20 wins

The environmental implications of animal agriculture

The cost of the Be Well program is $100 for a year, and there is zero copay and zero deductible. Your insurance will be billed for each Be Well class you attend.

Classes meet in the parish hall. There is a large parking lot on Whitby Drive across from the main church entrance. After you park, cross the street and enter class through the main church doors.

Please feel free to invite a friend. You are welcome to call Progressive Health of Delaware with any questions (302) 543-5454.