COVID-19 Update 2020-03-19

We will be trying to keep up with the ever changing recommendations regarding COVID-19. Here are some answers to the most frequent questions we have received.

I was exposed to someone with COVID-19.  What do I need to do?

 If you were exposed to someone with the virus, but have no symptoms, please stay home and self isolate yourself.  You should remain in self isolation for 14 days and limit contact as much as possible.  Continue with proper hygiene.  Recommendations are that you should NOT get tested at this time. Not only are there limited tests, but if you have a negative test, it might just be a false result, and you still might have Coronavirus.  Because of the short supply, currently, testing is only recommended if you have symptoms and are high risk. 

How would I know if I have Coronvirus?

Symptoms of Coronavirus are primarily fever, cough, tiredness, and shortness of breath. Most patients infected with COVID-19 virus have a fever. So if you do not have a fever, it is unlikely that you have Coronavirus.  Sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and diarrhea are also not common symptoms of Coronavirus.  

I have symptoms of COVID-19.  What should I do?

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should self isolate in your home.  Ideally you would have your own bedroom and bathroom.  There is no treatment currently available for COVID-19.  You should get a lot of rest, sleep 7-8 ours per night, and drink a lot of fluids.  Avoid alcohol and try to eat more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods.  Testing is available to patients that are symptomatic and deemed to be high risk.  If you are a healthy, young person with symptoms of COVID-19, it is best to assume you are infected, and stay home to limit any exposure.  Many of these illnesses are mild in younger people. If you work in healthcare, you should be tested. If you are older or your immune system is compromised, you should be tested.  You will need a labslip and an appointment to get tested at the Christiana Care site. Please let our office know if you fit the criteria to be tested and we can send over the labslip for you and we can give you the CCHS site information.

When should I go to the ER?

Please do not go to the ER unless you have life threatening symptoms.  Concerning symptoms would be severe shortness of breath, chest pain, new confusion or unable to wake up, or bluish lips or face.  If you have these symptoms, please call 911 and let them know that you or your loved one is having symptoms of Coronavirus, so that they can be well prepared for you.  

What can I do to help?

We are worried about the health of our patients and the community at large.  Please try to stay home as much as possible and use the good hygiene techniques that you are well aware. 

PHODDavid Donohue