COVID Vaccines to Arrive Next Week- Limited Supply!

We have finally received word from DPH that we will be given some Pfizer COVID vaccines next week. Currently we are scheduled to receive only 120 doses, though we have thousands of patients over 65 years of age. The State of Delaware has recommended that we offer these doses to our sickest patients over age 65 first. If you don't receive a call from us in the next few days, then congratulations! You are not one of our sickest patients! Please don't call us- we'll call you.

We will be starting our request list now. We do not know how much COVID vaccine we will receive in the future, but hope to get a steady stream moving forward. If you are over the age of 65 and haven't received the vaccine, please complete the request form here:

Once we receive additional shipments of vaccines, we will start to contact the patients who have completed our request form to schedule you for your vaccine. We plan to give these vaccines at scheduled times out in your car. Please do not come to a vaccine clinic if you have not been called and invited to participate.

Your health is important to us! We have been working for weeks to get vaccines for our patients and will continue to do so. Please be patient with the system and with us! We want to offer the vaccine to as many as you as possible, as quickly as possible. Once the state has moved into Phase 1C, we will be able to start vaccinating our chronically ill patients under age 65 as well. We will update our website and newsletter once this occurs.

Be Well!

PHOD, SeniorsDavid Donohue