Progressive Health Group Fast July 10-14

We invite you to join us for a group fast, using the Fasting Mimicking Diet, on July 10-14.

This will be an educational and support program, open to any Progressive Health patient. The sessions will be free and non-medical. The food to do the fast must be purchased.

At this fast, we will do a modified kind of fast, called the Fasting Mimicking Diet. Behind this 5-day diet is a large body of science suggesting health benefits for participants, that we cannot get through other means.

What is the plan?

We will meet 3 times total, via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link for all 3 sessions.

The first meeting is the day before the fast begins on Sunday July 9 at noon, to discuss the science and recommendations to be successful.

We will begin the 5-day group fast on Monday July 10.

We will meet again for group support and to cover the science of senescent cells and cellular cleanup (autophagy) on Tuesday July 11 at noon.

We will meet for the 3rd and final time on Friday July 14 at noon, to plan for the next day and beyond. (It turns out to get maximal benefit, we need to transition slowly back to regular eating!). There is a super robust science around how to slow the aging process, and I hope to give you some ideas you can carry forward.

How can I get the Fasting Mimicking Diet kit?

You can order it shipped to your house, from this link by clicking here. 20% discount will be applied at checkout.

The Fasting Mimicking Diet comes in a box, containing all the food you will consume for the 5 days


What does a 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet do?

In the short term, people lose body fat and may experience a resetting of their appetite. It can be a good way to kick start a plan to eat healthier (more whole plant foods, less processed foods). We get some cellular cleanup, and removal of senescent cells from our body, thereby reducing our chronic inflammation.

What benefits are there when we do 3 monthly cycles of the 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet?

People experience a large number of measurable benefits, even 3 months later:

  • lower inflammation

  • less body fat

  • higher lean body mass (more muscle)

  • Smaller waist size

  • lower blood pressure

  • lower tumor growth factor IGF-1

From mouse models, there is evidence to suggest this multiple cycles of this modified fast can improve cognition, prevent dementia, and extend lifespan.

What is Dr. Donohue’s plan to help you be even MORE successful than the research subjects?

In the research, the participants ate their regular diet before and after the fast. We plan to combine this 5-day fast with strategies to improve our diet in the long term, after the fast is over. How? We will provide education and support to help you shift to eating more whole plant foods and less processed foods. We believe that if we combine this healthy eating pattern with periodic cycles of the fasting mimicking diet, we can achieve noticeable results for your health.

PHODDavid Donohue